At the sign of the Barking lion...

St Margaret, Leiston:
St Luke window by Margaret Edith Rope

At the sign of the Barking lion...

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St Luke window (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959)

These are details of the 1959 St Luke window by Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope at Leiston, Suffolk. As far as possible they are arranged in the same order as in the window itself. You can return to the main page for the church or view the St Matthew window by using the links above.

Blessed Virgin and St Elizabeth at the Visitation (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959) St Luke (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959) The angel and Zechariah in the temple (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959)
Mary, Simeon and the infant Christ at the Presentation in the Temple (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959) Mary and Joseph find the young Christ teaching in the Temple (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959) Christ in the carpenter's workshop (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959)
Adoration of the Shepherds (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959)

Blessed Virgin at the Annunciation (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959) St Gabriel at the Annunciation (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959)
Raising of Jairus's daughter (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959) St Luke (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959) Christ gathers his disciples (Margaret Edith Aldrich Rope, 1959)


Simon Knott, April 2019

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